the funny bad boys goes to world, wow udah lama juga saya pengen banget nampilin torch man yang satu ini. Evans lahir di Sudbury, Massachusetts pada 13 Juni 1981. Dia merupakan seorang model sekaligus aktor yang super duper charming, hehehehe <3
Cevans in Not Another Teen Movies

Cevans in Perfect Score

Cevans in Cellular

Cevans in Fantastic Four 1 and 2 (this film had make's his name famous) as Human Torch

Cevans in Sunshine

Cevans in Push with Dakota Fanning

Cevans in The Losers

Cevans in Scott Pilgrim vs The World

next project dia bakal main film the avenger : Captain America and he's the Captain of America

nb : many other film from him, but i;m not noticed in my blog sorry :))
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